Royal Brompton Respiratory Unit

Contact information

020 7352 8121
65 Sydney Street

51.4904022, -0.1710753

The respiratory support service at Royal Brompton Hospital provides a national service for the assessment of sleep and ventilation problems and provision of mechanical insufflation exsufflation devices (cough machines) for adults and children. We have specialist experience in diagnosing and managing breathing, heart and associated problems in neuromuscular conditions and lead groundbreaking research projects in these areas. The department at Royal Brompton Hospital offers a one-stop service where patients can have the following tests in one place during one visit: sleep study, assessment of sleepiness/wakefulness tests, lung function, blood gas analysis, respiratory muscle tests, and assessment of ventilatory drive. The unit specialises in performing and interpreting all types of sleep study in both adults and children.

This service is unique as equipment, expertise and personnel are available to perform assessments across the age range. Although some tests are more suited to adults than children, a full assessment of sleep, ventilation and respiratory muscle function can be performed in all age groups.

The department has a long history of research in areas allied to non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with a specialist interest in neuromuscular disease (NMD), scoliosis and cough augmentation techniques.

Transition from the paediatric to the adult service is seamless as it occurs through the same cohesive team. Individuals are introduced to the different clinical areas and are encouraged to see the team for an informal chat alone and then to have an appointment with their family. Our transition co-ordinator with Professor Simonds is Michelle Chatwin. If you are seeking transitioning care, we will book you a specialist appointment in our centre for sleep to have a one-to-one to assess your needs and create an agreed care plan.

If you need any ventilation or cough augmentation devices they can be provided on the day of assessment.

How to access this service

To access this service you must be referred by either a GP or a consultant.

The team

Professor Anita Simonds


Professor Simonds is head of the Clinical and Academic Dept of Sleep and Breathing at the Royal Brompton Hospital. She has extensive expertise in acute and chronic non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in adults and children, weaning, respiratory aspects of neuromuscular disease. She carried out the pivotal research study about when to start NIV in individuals with neuromuscular disease. This has significantly contributed to the guidelines in the management of children and adults with neuromuscular disease.

Dr Michelle Chatwin

Respiratory Physiotherapist

Doctor Chatwin works as a Consultant Physiotherapist at the Clinical and Academic Dept of Sleep and Breathing at the Royal Brompton Hospital. She is an expert in the initiation of non invasive and invasive ventilation. Michelle is the named transition co-ordinator for the service. She also set up the cough assessment clinic and provision of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation devices (cough machines) for neuromuscular disease patients. Michelle sees patients in both the adult and paediatric neuromuscular clinics and also sees patients in the rapid access clinic.

Adam Rochester

Hospital Practitioner

Adam Rochester works as a Hospital Practitioner. He is also a highly experienced Physiotherapist at the Clinical and Academic Dept of Sleep and Breathing at the Royal Brompton Hospital. He is an expert in the initiation of non invasive and invasive ventilation. He also carries out cough assessments and teaches cough augmentation techniques. Adam assists in both adult and paediatric neuromuscular clinics and also sees patients in our rapid access clinic.

Other key people in the team include:

  • Professor Polkey, Consultant Respiratory Physician
  • Dr Hind, Consultant Respiratory Physician
  • Dr Hare, Consultant Respiratory Physician
  • Dr Tan, Consultant Paediatric Respiratory Physician
  • Professor Bush, Consultant Paediatric Respiratory Physician
  • Dr Rosenthal, Consultant Paediatric Respiratory Physician