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NICE widens scope of its appraisal of Zolgensma This will now be in line with the European…
There are currently few clinical trials being carried out for the condition, which affects about 2,…
Your story
The Centre is a partnership with the University of Oxford and aims to find potential new treatments…
Professors Muntoni and Bönneman and their teams have recently jointly published a paper (that the…
What we do Research in my laboratory focuses on the parts of the cells called mitochondria, which…
Funding and supporting research remains one of our priorities, and our ultimate goal remains the…
There are currently no treatments or cures for the condition, which affects an estimated 2,500…
The group - which Muscular Dystrophy UK is a member of - made the announcement this week. It…
As well as campaigning for access to healthcare and treatment and providing direct support to…
People with SMA Type 1 and 2 may be able to take the oral drug if Spinraza, the first treatment for…