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The group - which Muscular Dystrophy UK is a member of - made the announcement this week. It…
Your story
Paul said: He was always going on about that show so to please him, I drew a picture of the…
Many – though not all – people with a muscle-wasting condition will be shielding at the moment. You…
Press release
Rob Burley, Director of Campaigns, Care and Support at Muscular Dystrophy UK, said:“Many people…
What is FSHD? Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) causes muscles to weaken and waste…
As we enter week 13 of lockdown and shielding, I wanted to share how my family and I are getting on…
Your story
We’ve been particularly badly hit by London Marathon’s postponement, which last year raised £287,…
Our Director of Campaigns, Care and Support, Rob Burley, gives an update on shielding and what this…
As well as campaigning for access to healthcare and treatment and providing direct support to…
People with SMA Type 1 and 2 may be able to take the oral drug if Spinraza, the first treatment for…