Volunteers Week: Valuing the patient's perspective

We’re committed to funding the best and most relevant science for the people we support, so we have a ‘gold standard’ review and selection process. Alongside our Medical Research Committee’s expert review and a rigorous international peer review process, MDUK’s Lay Research Panel brings the all-important patient perspective. Alex Williamson (pictured), who has Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), is the current chair of the Panel:

We meet twice a year: once to review and rate the lay summaries of the research proposals to see if they make sense to us, and then to see which were successful and why. We score the proposals based on how valuable and exciting they are from a lay perspective. By giving the patients’ perspectives at the scientific panel, the vice-chair and I can also influence their deliberations.

I feel the Panel makes a useful contribution to the selection of research to be funded. We’ve also been influential in getting quality of life research taken seriously. Whilst breakthroughs in treatments and cures are vital, so many of us have to live with the disease and need our quality of life improved in various ways.

The current research landscape is exciting! We seem quite close to some major breakthroughs and I get so thrilled when we see proposals for clinical trials.


You can find out more about the progress being made in research here. If you’re interested in joining MDUK’s Lay Research panel, click here, or alternatively, browse all our volunteering opportunities here.


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