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Carmela, who was diagnosed with LMNA congenital muscular dystrophy in 2017, is the subject of a new…
On Sunday 15 October Angela, with her husband Brian, will officially start Bidwells Cambridge Town…
I decided to get involved with fundraising for Muscular Dystrophy UK (MDUK) as my dad, Edward,…
Running for Andrew  Graham recently decided to get back into running after a long break and last…
Muscular Dystrophy UK would like to thank the London Lodge 108 for their donation of £5629.30. The…
Your story
Anne shared her emotional story with thousands of people when she officially started this year’s…
Your story
I remember the first time I ran the Great North Run, back in 2021.   I was coming up to a bridge…
We are excited to welcome the thousands of runners joining us at the historic Bidwells Oxford Town…
Good luck Gitte Three years ago, keen runner Gitte was diagnosed with myositis, a rare auto-immune…
Why are you fundraising for MDUK?   I’ve attended MDUK’s Celebrity Sports Quiz events at Lords…